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Software Development



  • Aspiring Data Analysts who desire to start a career in data analytics and learn the skills required to become skilled data analysts
  • Managers, consultants, and other business professionals who want to use data analytics to make better decisions and expand their businesses.
  • Students and recent graduates who wish to master data analytics to advance their careers.
  • System administrators, database administrators, and other IT professionals who desire to broaden their knowledge of data analytics.
  • Marketing and sales professionals who want to evaluate consumer data, track trends, and optimize campaigns with data-driven insights.
  • Marketing and sales professionals who want to evaluate consumer data, track trends, and optimize campaigns with data-driven insights.
  • Finance professionals interested in utilizing data analytics for financial forecasts, risk assessment, and performance evaluation.
  • Professionals in healthcare who seek to apply data analytics to improve patient care, track health trends, and improve overall healthcare results.


For consultation services on academic programmes, undergraduate scholarship, you can contact us at  our branch  in  Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.

Easy Approach to Software development

The Software Development course covers programming languages, algorithms, data structures, and software engineering ideas in depth. Students learn how to use industry-standard processes and tools to design, develop, and maintain software applications. This training fosters teamwork and effective communication while improving problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Graduates are prepared for positions in software development, where they will work on projects ranging from web and mobile apps to large software systems


Create full-stack applications.
Master front-end and back-end development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and SQL to create full online and mobile applications from the ground up

Use best coding practices
Learn industry-standard coding concepts and design patterns to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code

Problem-solving abilities
Improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills so that you can face real-world programming difficulties and create inventive solutions.

Collaboration for growth
Gain experience working in a collaborative environment, managing version control and streamlining project workflows with collaboration technologies such as Git and GitHub.

Create a solid portfolio
Develop a wide portfolio of software development projects to demonstrate your abilities and impress potential employers or clients

Career guidance and networking
Get help with job placement, resume creation, and interview preparation, as well as access to a network of peers and industry professionals.

Practical experience
Apply your knowledge through practical projects and real-world case studies to ensure you’re ready to face software development issues in the workplace.